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  • Writer's pictureMatt P. Clements

Self-Wealth: The 4 “Big Life” Questions


Welcome to the journey of a lifetime and the the art of true wealth!

Let me dive right in! Or, rather, invite you to dive right in, by presenting  you with what I call The 4 “Big Life Questions”.


These 4 questions are crucial to building and experiencing a life of rich meaning.

I hope you will deeply engage yourself in these first set of 4 questions. I invite you to really spend some time on them. If you do, I know  you will be rewarded with a deeper sense of true self confidence, clarity of direction, and meaningful life purpose. That is the path to success and the art of true wealth in our book.

So, here they are:  4 very powerful starter questions for clarifying and crafting a life of true success in all that matters most to you!




how to plan for retirement future

  1. What is a life well lived? – i.e., what, in the end, truly matters in life?

  2. What do you feel is your greatest gift or ability? (Think in particular about areas where you have struggled and so gained a living experience of wisdom gained.

  3. Describe your ideal day and what it would look (and feel like) – i.e., describe in detail your day, from waking up, to going to bed. Cover the entire day, and dream “outside of the box” for this one… Go for it!

  4. And: If we were sitting together 3 years from now, what would have needed to happen in your life to feel successful? – For this one, answer the question in each of these dimensions:  What would have needed to have happened (or changed) in your life: PHYSICALLY, MENTALLY, EMOTIONALLY, SITUATIONALLY (i.e. pragmatically), FINANCIALLY, and SPIRITUALLY.


If we fail to ask ourselves these kinds of Big Life questions, how can we ever expect to live and experience our own real wealth and fullest truth?  … We can’t!

If you are looking and wondering at all toward retirement and if or when you’ll have enough to live… or if you have (or may soon have) significant financial assets, then I suggest to you that a living and integrated financial navigation system must be comprehensively designed, structured, and routinely reviewed to assure your success and to place your current spending/savings into proper alignment with your short term needs and long range financial income cash flow requirements.

An integrated investment strategy is one designed to sustain, protect and nourish your desired lifestyle, deepest core values, dreams, and vision for a life well lived.

If you do not currently have such concern about retirement planning or assets coming into your life, you may not need our life-aligned strategic investment management services, but you can most definitely get yourself started on building a successful financial course with some of the materials presented on our website – and especially the free resources and readings suggested which are holistic and life-affirming.  Don’t miss our recommended resources such as the book; Getting Wise to Your Advisor (see Resources on our web site).

And if these 4 questions captivate and inspire and make you wonder and wrestle with them a bit – as they do me – I invite you to actually share your personal reflections and responses with me by way of taking a next step toward a well-reviewed and consciously-designed financial vision and managed portfolio.

I look forward to hearing from you now, today  ….or just as soon as the time is right for you to consciously take charge of charting your financial-life course and preparing to set sail!

It’s a wonderful journey and an honor to join in partnership.

Mattawe Clements, CEO Clements Investment Management, Inc.

Wealth is the ability to fully experience life.” – Henry David Thoreau


Mattawe P. Clements, is a Registered Financial Advisor and CEO /Founder of Clements Investment Management, Inc.,  offering 3 decades of professional experience. Today he serves a select group of clients and professional partners in the design of his proprietary “Financial Navigation System” (think a GPS for your life mapped to your financial goals) – a protocol he has developed for applying the best practices of financial investment technologies with self-knowledge and inspired tools for conscious living into a real-life on the move personal plan for moving toward your dreams and life vision in every day real life with it’s every day changing circumstances.

In particular, Clements Investment Management is dedicated to highly personalized counsel and professional advisory to those at a significant life crossroad or transition (e.g., divorce, retirement, inheritance and second half of life legacy building).


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