Matt P Clements, CEO & Direct Client Management
A Legal Fiduciary Registered Investment Advisory Firm (RIA) Specializing in Wealth Positioning at Life Transitions ($1M+)
Company Brochure (downloadable)
Our Invitation

Please take a look at our key distinctions as a fiduciary RIA firm specializing in life-long wealth positioning at major life transitions. We hope too that you will take a good look at the comprehensive package we offer including: very hands-on relational services that encompass the wholeness of your life. Please note too that we take only a few life-time clients and consider them cherished "family".
As you read our materials, we invite you to listen into your own inner compass. If you feel a resonance, you are most heartily invited to reach out and give us a call. Initial consults are always free. (And we will do our very best to give you alternatives should they be more appropriate to your needs.)
NOTE: We have tried to pro-offer quite a bit of educational info on "the state of financial investing/money management" as service to those ready to take a more active and informed role in the financial planning, management and decisions that will affect your life in ALL of its facets. These include your passions and dreams; your protected wellness through unanticipated events in life; your family's security; your long-term lasting financial strength; and your legacy wishes.
This we can say with absolute clarity: We are NOT like any other financial investment management firm out there. And we are not for everyone.
We look forward to connecting if/when the time is right.
*(Side Game: Watch for (*) ..See how many you note :)
Today's financial market science has gotten quite sophisticated, although (please know this) it is not what you will see or read in the newspapers or on social media. The financial news available to mass view (perhaps not surprisingly) is published by the banking industry and large fund management advertisers with vested interests in driving market expectations that will keep their holdings viable.* (So in some ways, the mass market is being used by popular news to help uphold the large industry leaders' holdings, and not necessarily what is at all appropriate for you specifically.)
Many astute people we know, realize this situation, and believe they are better navigating and managing their finances and investments themselves. We would love to talk with some of you and share/show where this is definitely not the wisest move... and also where sometimes a split management strategy (1/3 self-managed; 2/3 of your assets managed with you by a fiduciary RIA) is a valuable plan. Every single one of our clients is managed according to what works best for her/his specific objectives, needs, capacity and vision.
To do assets management correctly, it takes these 7 keys:*
Access to the top shelf tools and technologies of research and emergent trends analysis;
Depth of experience with the financial markets over a large span of time;
A curious attentiveness to global economic socio-political, technological and environmental trends;
An even and self-aware temperament;
Close partnership and very open and honest communication with your financial partners;
No cookie-cutter boiler plate placements; and
An openly accessible independent RIA level Advisor who is legally bound to fiduciary responsibility to his/her client and shows ongoing attentiveness to individualized portfolio placements, as well as a readiness to make client portfolio adjustments specific to your unique - and often changing - needs. (See our Proprietary Financial Navigation System (a GPS like view of where you are on your path at any given moment in time.)
...18 years ago I was so dismayed by the way financial portfolio management was conducted (and primarily still is for all but the very top-tier) that I almost quit the biz and found another occupation...
(Permit me this "RANT"...I believe it can serve you.)​
​Look at how money management is still conducted today: People generally involve themselves more with their car mechanic, their kids' teachers, their home help, and their healthcare providers than they do with the one entity that holds and makes decisions about the security of their money* - which serves as the engine behind their full capacity to live life! That's not just crazy, but can be catastrophic to one's life security, dreams and achievements!
Sadly though (and still today) most people with money to invest/grow/secure, either decide to do it themselves ...or they remain compliant and complacent with aggregate investment management services from standard Broker Dealers. This choice is understandable: It is a lot easier that way for you, the client, as very little is asked of you - a few questions on risk tolerance and they've got you pegged into their slot. And this approach is A LOT! easier for the registered representative, as they can "service" a lot more clients! ("k-ching")*
I cannot tell you how often, when reviewing prospective client portfolios (people from all walks of life and with very differing requirements) are placed in the exact same portfolio packages while having utterly different needs, dangers, and missed opportunities...* (How often, you ask? Pretty much 96% of the cases we've reviewed!)
This old way of doing financial management has an understandable psychology, right? We all have primordial fear around things we cannot really understand or predict... much less control.* It becomes a natural inclination to put our finances into the hands of "a convenient expert", get on with life, and hope for the best. If that's you and you're good with that, no problem: We're just not your advisor.​​​​​
​Here's what we created upon the heels of that time nearly 2 decades ago where I was ready to walk away from an industry not well serving its purpose.
We have honed our company research capacities based on the latest technology and a "wisdom perspective" of right management that can only come with deep introspection and personal experience.
We created and implemented our proprietary Financial Navigation (GPS) System/tool for mapping your comprehensive financial picture in real time against your long range planning goals and needs (allowing you to keep track of where you are or if you veer away ..and to make needed adjustments where called for). This is HUGE in a by-in-large cookie cutter industry!
We dedicate early morning (4am) daily hours online with top hedge-fund paid round table access to the most complex financial research and socio-political market prediction models out there today (most of which are unavailable to individual investors and not used in typical corporate banking services at all)
We expanded a deepening service to include: client self--awareness and clarity by utilizing the extraordinary private retreat foundational work of my life and business partner, Ronda LaRue, M.S., social research scientist, corporate consultant, and international author/mentor: offering depth processes and private retreats to clients seeking self-awareness and clarity during times of radical change.
We reduced our practice to where it meets the highest standard of service: A boutique financial advisory service offered to no more than 40 clients, each with $1million or more in assets to put under management. (We still have room for a few more truly aligned and ready to take on their lives in this holistic way.)
We provide a depth of knowledge, tested skill, and highest regulated capacity offered as (one of the relatively few money managers who are) a Fiduciary Registered Investment Advisory Company. (RIA)
​​Here's something more... And I hope this hits home for you:
In this life - and regardless of net worth - we will each face times of significant fears and fumbles; successes and painful losses; hopes and beautiful dreams; health and dis-ease; life and death.*​
We at Clements Investment Management willingly enter into the trenches as well as the peaks with our client/friends and associates. My brilliant wife and business partner, Ronda LaRue, calls this: SoulArts... And that it is. A business - and a life that is connected to Soul, continues to be the overriding heart of our business practice.
Over these past decades, I have personally walked with our client/friends through many of the most tumultuous economic times as well as the most difficult life journeys one may go through in life: including divorce, death of a spouse, crippling disease of a child, family disarray and estate issues after elder parents pass away. I personally and directly helped an elder client safely die in her home, and then managing her home sale and secured her estate. We take our role extraordinarily integrated and hands on. That is why we keep our practice limited to no more than 40 clients.
Quite personally speaking, the challenge of taking a less than ideal mass market financial planning protocol and redesigning an investment management service and system that IS what it SHOULD BE and that DOES what is MUST DO, has graced my life and my business with an ever deepening compassion; a renewed powerful strength; and a gentle guiding wisdom.
We are proud to stand and know this to be true:
There is no other Fiduciary Registered Investment Advisory Company which can hold a candle to the light that ignites in the financial life and relationships with our dear client/friends on this life journey together!​​​

Matt P. Clements, CEO and Ronda LaRue-Clements, M.S.. Social Science Research Specialist
We Tend Our Client's Life Issues:​
We offer private conscious-divorce retreats, including take home tools for growth and counsel toward honorable distribution of finances and care;
We offer detailed inheritance structuring/planning/ placement and family/sibling mediation where needed;
We evaluate and assimilate your overall plan with all aspects of asset instruments (i.e., life insurance, long term care, 401K, stocks, treasuries, bonds etc.)
We provide round-table end-of-life legacy-planning including training with your loved ones to take the baton;
We work with new business ideas and opportunities;
We work with selling a business and with retirement strategy and buy-out options;
We have served clients through cancer or other frightening health-challenges (sometimes with daily conversation, finding them home care, and even long distance visit); recently even helping find and negotiate a new car for an elder client :)​
​In a nutshell: We work with you through ALL OF YOUR LIFE to support your TRUE CURRENCY.*​
Today our clients are truly our friends and colleagues; women and men whose lives and loves and goals we know and truly care about helping support. How lucky are we to work together on such an essential cause? ​​
* (Home Page Side Game: Watch for (*) ..See how many you note :)

Your Financial Checkup Offer:
If what you have read here calls you to action, and you are prepared to strategically invest into the market with $1m+, please feel free to reach out to me personally and directly, by phone or email.
If you are managed elsewhere but would like to consider a move to our services and would like our analysis of your current portfolio positioning, please feel free to request offer of taking a Test Drive.
We look forward to getting to know who you are, what you most seek in life, and how we may be of service.